Happy New Year and Merry Christmas but now let’s look ahead into 2012!
As I mentioned in my last post, I would be proudly announcing a new project this month and so without any further waffle:
To attempt to produce an artistic piece of work at near 100,000 feet using a weather balloon.
This came about from an idea that a friend and I had whilst having a chat in a cafe. At the time, I was too busy thinking about the TMSB project but now, it has grown on me and I feel that it may have an interesting impact on many things.
I still have to run it past the experts at UK HAS but I think it’s a viable project.
It’s another space balloon project but one that should not take a whole 10 months to complete, seeing as I have the basics laid down already, which means….
….I might even go as far as to say that I’ll be aiming to complete 2 projects this year.
If I am to do that, I’m gonna need all the help I can get.
That means you.
Email me.
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