Now I’ve settled into my new layout, I’ve had time to think about the approach to the Challenge Me, Sir Richard Branson project.
Sir Richard clearly states the challenge aim– ‘ far under the sea can you explore?’
I’ve decided to approach this project differently from previous concepts. In a sentence, I would like to bring businesses together and work to achieve a common goal.
Let me explain this further:
I’ve noticed more and more how vital it is to work together at both a local and global level to achieve global results. The notion of businesses competing with each other needs to be equal to the drive to team up with other businesses in order to initiate breakthrough results and new heights of accomplishments.
Just look at my last blog post for example. Had I gone down the route of designing and creating the new JoshingTalk website alone, I might still be trying to write some gibberish HTML rather than this post. Instead, I collaborated with others willing to help me and together we got a result, not only quicker, but also to a standard far higher than I think I could have reached by myself!
So, with this challenge, I’d like to work with different businesses in different specific industries and bring them together. The design of the submersible needs the knowledge of a materials manufacturer. The lighting at deep-sea depths needs electronic expertise….and so on.
There are inspiring people out there and what an awesome way to meet them and learn from them!
In previous projects, I’ve looked at ways in which to achieve incredible feats with low finance and low tech and I still believe I am doing this on a personal level. People are willing to help you, so long as the passion is there so why be spoilt and shellfish (sorry guys- poor joke alert!) and spend hundreds of pounds on a project when actually, others can positively take part in it and at the same time, save everyone a few bob.
Not that I think it will cost much anyway….I think it’s key to keep this project simple. With simplicity, comes fewer materials equalling fewer pennies.
For the record however, I personally will be buying the gaffer tape for this project….
Hey- if it worked at 118,000 feet in near Space, then who knows!?
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