Picture this.
It’s 5 o’clock on a rainy Friday afternoon and for some reason the roads are extra busy with traffic jams in every direction. I’m sat in the car at least another 15 minutes from home due to the traffic and eager to find out if the payload for this project has been delivered. When I eventually get back home, I find a little red slip in the postbox explaining that because no-one was in, the parcel has not been delivered. Please wait 24 hours before collecting.
Well, I thought 24 hours was just a little too long to leave you waiting so I did what almost any cliché Hollywood action film would do. It was now 5:15 and according to the red slip, the collection office was due to shut at 5.30. Perfect. Steven Spielberg couldn’t write this.
Throwing everything down and racing for the door, I started sprinting across town in the pouring rain towards the collection office which, for a pro athlete would probably be a 10 minute run.
It was uncanny! I am sure that at certain times during this run, everything would turn to slow motion and an orchestra would perform an intense, driving score of music depending on the speed I was travelling. Then came a moment where I was out of breath and I keeled over, sobbing on the pavement in a puddle of
Well I made it to the collection office at about 5.29 and despite the note saying I should wait 24 hours, the very nice man behind the counter found the payload for me there and then. So here it is. The culmination of rain, sweat, tears and a movie scene run:
I don’t care if you think it’s just a bloody box because it’s much more than that to me now! With many thanks to the lovely people at FerriBox, they have provided the container that shall carry the camera, paints and the ultimately, the story. It’s a little smaller than my TMSB payload due to the fact that I had a lot of room in the last one. This in turn can be viewed as extra weight, so I’m hoping to pack everything in nice and snug.
Now the work can begin, placing the camera in, stringing it up and deciphering how and where to allow the solution to travel down towards the canvas, in the hope that art will be born.
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