Despite the cringe worthy title of this post, there’s so much to tell you about the meeting I had last weekend with Andy at Hi Pro Pressure. However, I can’t. For a couple of reasons.

1. I occasionally had to resort to pretending I knew what Andy was going on about.
2. As a highly functioning business, certain information is confidential. What happened in the meeting, stays in the meeting.

Wiping the pretentious smirk off my face, I have come to realise that even if I was tortured and faced intense interrogation, I would only be able to tell the enforcers in a desperate weep that ‘There was a machine that made funny noises and wouldn’t look (or sound) out of place in a Star Wars movie.’

What we did get out of the meeting though was a few extra steps. If you’re like me when working on a project, you want all the answers before you build.
I want to know how to get the submersible to the bottom, what it is that would release the weight to allow it to float back up and how I locate it upon re-surfacing amongst many other factors. Then I can mentally picture the submarine and go wild, contacting people who may have an interest in what I’m doing.
Andy gave me some more vital clues to enable me to piece the jigsaw together a bit more. I asked him what kind of of material would be appropriate for the windows in my submersible. Boom! Sapphire windows.
I asked him how I would connect the windows to the vessel itself. Boom! ….well not so much ‘Boom!’ because it got a bit technical there….but I got the gist of what he was saying.
It’s amazing what half an hour with someone can achieve. Andy is a brilliant and wise man with that same passion for new ideas and with his help, I’ve nearly completed the jigsaw.

Another mention I feel I should add, is that of Dr Alan Jamieson from Oceanlab who actually goes and chucks stuff overboard a boat and into the Sea for a living (with the hope of it’s return)! Who better to talk to!? With huge thanks to him, I have more pieces to connect to the puzzle although I am yet to meet him in person as he lives in Aberdeen, Scotland.
However, I have plans for Scotland a bit later in the project…. *cue pretentious smirk*


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