It’s been a while since I last wrote a blog post for my website. In fact, my website has had another facelift and is now looking better than ever!
You may have noticed that there is no obvious way to read my blog from the navigation bar at the top and this is for a few reasons but mainly a reason of change. This isn’t to say that I will stop blogging however as I’m very proud to announce that I have been asked to write for Huffington Post (which should put my posts out to quite a few million more people in the world!).
Here’s my archive (which will eventually fill up) and gives you the option to follow all my blog posts –
I will be delivering posts from time to time to do with all my ventures, my self and whatever I feel like I can put into words. Here’s my first post about making successful goals –
It’s been a pleasure building this website since the start of its journey years ago and I will keep it up to date with my latest projects and publicity. Thanks to every single one of my readers and those who have supported me from the beginning.
With love,
Josh x
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